
Uganda is currently promoting liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), particularly for cooking purposes in the domestic sector. Under the Draft Energy Policy of 2019, LPG is considered the sole option for clean cooking, with the Government undertaking to promote access to inexpensive, reliable, and clean LPG energy services.

This Policy aims to assist the Government in meeting its obligations under the 2015 Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on access to modern and affordable energy sources and climate mitigation and adaptation. Further, the country aims to cut down its aggregate national greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 22% by 2030. This study undertakes a case study analysis of Uganda and Morocco. It mainly examines how Morocco dealt with LPG supply bottlenecks such as affordability, safety, accessibility, and market regulation to increase LPG uptake in its urban and rural economy. As a result, this paper investigates the lessons drawn from Morocco’s developed LPG markets and how they might be applied to Sub-Saharan Africa’s growing LPG supply chains, particularly in Uganda. Finally, the research will assess the potential role of ‘BioLPG’ and how its production and uptake might be integrated into traditional LPG supply chains, promoting compliance with SDG 7 and climate change mitigation policy objectives.

Key Words: Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG), Climate change mitigation and adaptation, clean energy, clean cooking